How to hang pictures in a stairwell
We recommend a number of options for stairwells and other high spaces. The Beta system is traditionally a heavy duty system capable of holding up to 80kgs, it has some attributes that lend itself to this sort of situation when accessing the rail is an issue. The Beta hangers are rigid, made of 4mm x 4mm steel, come in several lengths (up to 2m) and are powder coated to blend in with the interior. This means that the hooks can be positioned at the desired height on the rigid hanger and the user can stand on the floor, (or stairs) and...
Facebook Competition
We are running a competition where you can win $100 credit code to use when placing an order online. All you have to do is Like our Facebook page after placing an order. The draw happens monthly within the first week and is announced on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PictureHangingSystemsPtyLtd In addition to this we invite all customers to post their success story pictures (pictures of their picture hanging system in use) on our FB page for a free gift.
Should I continue the picture rail over doors and windows?
In most cases we suggest you continue the top rail over door frames and windows, this is because it looks neater and won't impose on the display. If you were to break the top rail you would be using end caps on all open ends to finish it neatly. By Luke Norman
Do the picture hangers come in different lengths?
Yes, we manufacture the hangers here and therefore can make them to any required length in increments of .5 of a metre starting at 1.5m. Please contact us for a free quotation either via LiveChat or call 1300 88 36 45 By Luke Norman
How do I install the Locator Extra picture rail so it touches the ceiling?
The Locator Extra system has an extended face which allows the user to install the rail in the corner of a square-set ceiling (no cornice). To get the perfect height of the fixings so that the rail touches the ceiling, the fixings should be installed to between 17-18mm centres from the ceiling line. The installer can of course use a template such as a piece of card for this, or of course a small piece of the rail turned over with a centre-line marked in the fixing cavity. It is always a good idea to do a test piece before...