Picture hanging systems handmade on the Sunshine Coast – Picture Hanging Systems Pty Ltd
Hands on Industry Experience Since 2005, Call us with your questions!
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Picture hanging systems handmade on the Sunshine Coast

Handmade on the Sunny Coast

Picture Hanging Systems has a wide range of products. We choose to honour original innovation by selling well designed products from the original designer of that product, (no copies).

We manufacture a lot of our own designs. When you see this logo on an image, it means that we designed it and we make it in 'Luke's workshop' on the Sunshine Coast, QLD.

This is our preferred way of doing things as the quality is scrutinised and we are able to respond to demand on a sliding scale, meaning you will get high quality products that will last. 

Call us now on 1300 88 36 45 to discuss any items you are considering for a project.